2023年 理工学部 シラバス - 教養教育・外国語・保健体育・共通基礎
科目名 |
English Communication Ⅱ
Meetings, Discussions, Debates
設置学科 | 一般教育 | 学年 | 2年 |
担当者 | ジョナサン・ハリソン | 履修期 | 後期 |
単位 | 1 | 曜日時限 | 金曜1 |
校舎 | 船橋 | 時間割CD | Q51Z |
クラス | |||
履修系統図 | 履修系統図の確認 |
学修到達目標 | The goals of this course are for students to a) improve listening and speaking skills for use in your daily life, b) learn to write well, c) learn to give opinions (spoken and written), d) improve knowledge of and use of business and academic vocabulary, and e) learn about English-speaking cultures. 本授業科目はDP1・2・6及びCP1・2・6に該当しています。 |
授業形態及び 授業方法 |
This course is planned as a face-to-face (対面授業) course. In this class, you will learn to present about your academic self, current topics, and debatable issues. You will do various listening, speaking, reading, writing, and vocabulary building activities in small and large groups, in pairs, and individually. Intermediate and advanced proficiency students may be given more challenging assignments and opportunities for independent study. English Communication科目ではビジネス英語を学びますが、TOEIC試験を受ける必要はありません。この授業は全て英語で実施する。 |
履修条件 | 1. English CommunicationIIは社会コミュニケーションサブメジャーコースの指定設置科目で、このサブメジャーを取る学生はEnglish Communication Iと共に履修しなければならない。2. 教職免許を取る学生はEnglish Communication Iと共に履修しなければならない。 3. その他の学生は、English Communication IとEnglish CommunicationIIの両方をI・IIの順で 履修することが望ましい。 前期のみまたは 後期のみ履修することは可能ですが、特にEnglish Communication IIのみ履修する場合、 担当教員と相談して下さい。 |
第1回 | Before class: Come to class on time and ready to learn. In class: Introduction to the course, professional greetings, introducing self and others, small talk After class: Register for the course, review the first lesson and study the second lesson materials (45 minutes) |
第2回 | Before class: Practice speaking the conversation for the second lesson, review all of the materials (15 minutes) In class: Chairing a meeting: Introducing others, presenting the agenda, turn-taking, closing a discussion After class: Study new vocabulary, learn the meeting format, practice speaking for the next meeting (45 minutes) |
第3回 | Before class: Practice speaking the conversation from the second lesson and preview materials for the third lesson (15 minutes) In class: Introducing an event and describing event schedules: Talking about time, venue, cost, and speakers/entertainers After class: Prepare a poster and speaking notes for your presentation, practice the presentation and asking discussion questions at least 3 times (60 minutes) |
第4回 | Before class: Prepare your poster and practice your presentation (15 minutes) In class: Event presentations (small group)-Presentation, discussion, feedback, and summary writing After class: Write a reflection of your presentation, read all 4 readings for the next lesson and be ready to discuss them, study for quiz over lessons 1-4 (60 minutes) |
第5回 | Before class: Review all 4 readings and write down 2-3 discussion questions (15 minutes) In class: Meeting 1 on current topics After class: Read all 4 topics for the next lesson and be ready to discuss them (45 minutes) |
第6回 | Before class: Review all 4 readings and write down 2-3 discussion questions (15 minutes) In class: Meeting 2 on current topics After class: Read all 4 topics for the next lesson and be ready to discuss them (45 minutes) |
第7回 | Before class: Review all 4 readings and write down 2-3 discussion questions (15 minutes) In class: Meeting 3 on current topics After class: Read all 4 topics for the next lesson and be ready to discuss them (45 minutes) |
第8回 | Before class: Review all 4 readings and write down 2-3 discussion questions (15 minutes) In class: Meeting 4 on current topics After class: Study for quiz on lessons 5-8, read the debate introduction materials and practice speaking the phrases for both moderator and presenting arguments (60 minutes) |
第9回 | Before class: Review the materials on discussions and debates (15 minutes) In class: Debate preparation-Structure of debate, methods of argument, sample debates, and brainstorming topics After class: Prepare with your team and individually for your role in the next debate (45 minutes) |
第10回 | Before class: Prepare for your role in the next debate and practice speaking that role (15 minutes) In class: Debate 1 (Topics and teams chosen in previous lesson) After class: Prepare with your team and individually for your role in the next debate (45 minutes) |
第11回 | Before class: Prepare for your role in the next debate and practice speaking that role (15 minutes) In class: Debate 2 (Topics and teams chosen in previous lesson) After class: Prepare with your team and individually for your role in the next debate (45 minutes) |
第12回 | Before class: Prepare for your role in the next debate and practice speaking that role (15 minutes) In class: Debate 3 (Topics and teams chosen in previous lesson) and course review (Chairing meetings, discussing schedules, discussions, debates) After class: Set up a time with your team and teacher. Prepare for your role in the final debate (60 minutes) |
第13回 | Before class: Prepare and practice speaking for the final debate (15 minutes) In class: Final debate (Teacher as moderator) After class: Prepare for the written part of the final evaluation (75 minutes) |
第14回 | Before class: Study the materials for meetings, discussions, and debates (30 minutes) In class: Final written evaluation of course content and writing skills After class: Reflect on the course (15 minutes) |
第15回 | Before class: Reflect on the course and think about giving feedback In class: Return and discuss the course evaluations, course survey, future opportunities to use English After class: If interested, reflect on how to make English part of your multilingual lifestyle. |
教科書 |
テキスト 特になし。参考書・参考資料等 特になし。
No textbook is required. Materials will be given to students weekly.
参考書 |
An NU email account is required (even if only for forwarding your mail to another account), and access to the internet and a USB or other memory stick is recommended. Other materials will be provided by the teacher.
成績評価の方法 及び基準 |
Classwork and homework 80%: Speaking tasks such as discussions and presentations will be scored credit/no credit. Feedback regarding performance will be given individually on the spot. On written tasks scoring will be based on format, spelling, grammar, word usage, writing style, etc. Feedback and corrections will be given regarding format, spelling, grammar, word usage, writing style, etc. Evaluations 20%: Scores and correct answers will be given in class. |
質問への対応 | Please ask questions before, during, or after class. You can also visit during office hours or send an email. English and Japanese are OK. |
研究室又は 連絡先 |
船橋校舎5号館4階547A室、駿河台校舎S610室 The teacher's email (jon.harrison[at]) will be posted on Classroom and the Moodle course website. |
オフィスアワー |
水曜 駿河台 12:10 ~ 13:10 S610
金曜 船橋 12:10 ~ 13:10 547A
学生への メッセージ |
Through this course I hope you learn to have simple discussions on various topics and you learn strategies to help you debate with others. |