2023年 理工学部 シラバス - 教養教育・外国語・保健体育・共通基礎
科目名 |
English Communication Ⅱ
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills.
設置学科 | 一般教育 | 学年 | 2年 |
担当者 | R・C・Lavey | 履修期 | 後期 |
単位 | 1 | 曜日時限 | 木曜2 |
校舎 | 船橋 | 時間割CD | S42D |
クラス | |||
履修系統図 | 履修系統図の確認 |
学修到達目標 | The aim of the English Communication II (EC II) course is to develop practical communication skills based on the basic academic skills cultivated in the first year. The theme of the course is “Public speaking and presentation skills," and the course aims to increase the student’s confidence and skill speaking in front of groups in business and academic situations. Other goals of this course are for students to a) improve English listening, reading, writing, speaking skills, and improve their oral fluency and pronunciation, b) build confidence using English in different situations, c) listen to and give opinions (spoken and written), d) improve knowledge of and use of vocabulary, and e) learn about the different cultures of English-speaking countries. [本授業科目はDP1・2・6及びCP1・2・6に該当しています。 |
授業形態及び 授業方法 |
This class will be taught face-to-face (対面授業). English Communication II will be taught in English. (この授業は全て英語で実施する。) Various listening, speaking, reading, writing, and vocabulary building activities will be done in the classroom and on Moodle. Please get the textbook before day one. This syllabus and its contents may change due to the weekly pace of the class or other factors. You will be notified of any changes on Moodle. If you have any questions, please contact the instructor by email in English. |
履修条件 | The EC courses are part of “The Social Communication Sub Major Program.” The goal of this program is set as follows: Students will learn basic communication skills necessary to deepen the understanding between people in an ever-diversifying information society. 1. English Communication IIは社会コミュニケーションサブメジャーコースの指定設置科目で、このサブメジャーを取る学生はEnglish Communication Iと共に履修しなければならない。 2. 教職免許を取る学生はEnglish Communication Iと共に履修しなければならない。 3. その他の学生は、English Communication IとEnglish Communication IIの両方をI・IIの順で履修することが望ましい。前期のみまたは後期のみ履修することは可能ですが、特にEnglish Communication IIのみ履修する場合、担当教員と相談して下さい。 For this course you should prepare yourself to participate actively in every class using only English. Self-motivation and practice are key. Please prepare a notebook for taking notes in class. Read the textbook material and study any new vocabulary before the next class. In class we will go over the textbook content, and your homework will be in the textbook and on Moodle. Each week students should follow the following process: 事前学習/Preparation - studying ahead (予習) is very important. 授業計画/Class – please be on-time and prepared. 事後学習/Reviewing – always review (復習) each lesson |
第1回 | 事前学習/Preparation Don’t wait! Buy the textbook today!!! Speaking of Speech - Premium Edition Basic Presentation Skills for Beginners Cengage Learning ISBN: 9784863123854 You must have the textbook for this course. Read all of Moodle Week 1 Write and record a self-introduction using name, department, interests, personality and any other information you want to share. 授業計画/Class Syllabus and course explanation. How to use Moodle. How to study new vocabulary. Motivation and Confidence. The value of having good presentation skills. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) If you don’t have the textbook yet, buy it today! |
第2回 | 事前学習/Preparation If you don’t have the textbook yet, buy it today! Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class Give a short self-introduction in front of the class. Overview of the importance of the three messages in speech. The Physical Message part – Posture & Eye Contact. The importance of maintaining eye contact with your audience. Taking good notes. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第3回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class The Physical Message part 2 - Gestures. Basic English Sentence Structure. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第4回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class The Physical Message part 3 - Voice inflection and vocal variety. Talk about the importance of voice inflection. Stressing, stretching, and pausing to emphasize key words. The 4 types of English sentence structure 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第5回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class The Visual Message part 1 - Charts and Graphs. English Phrases. Recitation information. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第6回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class The Visual Message part 2 – PowerPoint. Guidelines for making slides, graphs, pictures and charts. Linking, Transitive and Intransitive Verbs. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第7回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class Presentation Structure. The Story Message – Introduction and Hook. Why is the introduction important? Direct Objects. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第8回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class The Story Message – The Body. Evidence, Transitions & Sequencers (Signposts). Indirect Objects. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第9回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class The Story Message – The Conclusion. Types of Presentations. Basic Paragraph Structure. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第10回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class Presentations – Where to Begin. Storyboarding. Brainstorming. Choose a Presentation Topic and Type. Topic Sentences and Controlling Ideas. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第11回 | Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class Presentation Delivery. Work on Your Presentation. Work on Your Presentation. Basic essay writing. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第12回 | Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class Presentations. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第13回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class Presentations. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第14回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class Presentations. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
第15回 | 事前学習/Preparation Review (復習) the previous lesson, finish any Moodle assignments, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook. 授業計画/Class Course review and reflection. Finish all outstanding assignments. 事後学習/Reviewing Review (復習) this lesson, do any Moodle assignments and study ahead (予習) and read the textbook (60 minutes) |
教科書 |
Charles LeBeau, Speaking of Speech - Premium Edition , Cengage Learning, 2021
You must have the textbook for this course.
ISBN: 9784863123854
Additional materials are provided by the instructor.
参考書 |
Dictionary or smartphone with a good dictionary application (Google translate is recommended). Notebook for new vocabulary and lecture notes.
成績評価の方法 及び基準 |
Point totals will be posted on Moodle. Written reports and oral communication will be graded according to a rubric or the judgement of the teacher. Students will be given direct and/or indirect feedback in through Moodle after every assignment. Students may also get feedback in class. Breakdown of Final Grade Weekly Participation & Quizzes = 40% final grade 4 Short presentations/Reports of 40 points each = 50% final grade Final Project of 100 points = 10% final grade Final Grades (% of total points) = 100-90 S, 89-80 A, 79-70 B, 69-60 C |
質問への対応 | Please ask questions via email in English. robert.lavey20@nihon-u.ac.jp |
研究室又は 連絡先 |
Contact should be made by email in English. robert.lavey20@nihon-u.ac.jp The teacher's email address is posted in Moodle at the top of the course page. The students can also ask questions before, during or after class. |
オフィスアワー | |
学生への メッセージ |
Learning a new language requires self-motivation and effort! When you are finally able to communicate in another language it is a great feeling. Please find something you are interested in and enjoy English. Listen to music and study the lyrics. Go to karaoke and sing English songs with your friends (safely of course!). Read books and magazines. Use the Internet. There are many things you can do. This syllabus and its contents may change due to the weekly pace of the class or other factors. You will be notified of any changes on Moodle. |