2023年 理工学部 シラバス - 教養教育・外国語・保健体育・共通基礎
科目名 |
English Communication Ⅰ
Presentations and Cultural Discussions
設置学科 | 一般教育 | 学年 | 2年 |
担当者 | R.H.ジョーンズ | 履修期 | 前期 |
単位 | 1 | 曜日時限 | 土曜6 |
校舎 | 船橋 | 時間割CD | S66E |
クラス | |||
履修系統図 | 履修系統図の確認 |
学修到達目標 | 本授業科目はDP1・2・6及びCP1・2・6に該当しています。 The focus of this class is to enable the students to develop their practical communication skills involving the four main language skills of conversation, reading, writing and listening. The theme of the class is presentations and cultural discussions. |
授業形態及び 授業方法 |
この授業は全て英語で実施する。 本授業はオンデマンド型授業です。教材と授業動画は毎週土曜日に公開されます。シラバス上では便宜上「6限」となっていますが、教材と授業動画は土曜日の早い時間帯に公開されます。課題を始めるのに6限の時間まで待つ必要はありません。次の週の教材と授業動画が公開される前までに、その週の課題を全て終えてください。 Students will work on various on demand exercises connected to slowly building and improving all their communicative skills. In addition, an introduction to presentations skills will also be examined from various cultural discussion activities. |
履修条件 | 1. English Communication Iは社会コミュニケーションサブメジャーコースの指定設置科目で、このサブメジャーを取る学生はEnglish Communication IIと共に履修しなければならない。 2. 教職免許を取る学生はEnglish Communication IIと共に履修しなければならない。 3. その他の学生は、English Communication IとEnglish Communication IIの両方をI・IIの順で履修することが望ましい。前期のみまたは後期のみ履修することは可能ですが、特にEnglish Communication IIのみ履修する場合、担当教員と相談して下さい。 |
第1回 | Introduction to the course, the teacher and other students. How the classes will be conducted will be explained and the grading system. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第2回 | In this lesson the students will explore and identify as an overview the important aspects of being a good language learner. Time will be spent improving vocabulary. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第3回 | Cultural discussions about learning styles will be examined. A particular focus of the lesson will be how to more successfully build second language vocabulary. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第4回 | In week 4, the students will examine and discuss the importance of writing clear formal e-mails in English. Regard to cultural writing styles will be discussed, too. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第5回 | In this lesson, how to make a clear presentation in English will be examined. In the cultural discussions, how to address people correctly will be looked at and discussed. There will be vocabulary building and study exercises. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第6回 | In week 6, the students will learn about politeness in other cultures. The functional English will revolve around making polite requests and other such things. More work on making effective presentations will be discussed. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and preparation for writing mid-term speech = 1 hour. |
第7回 | The emphasis in the lesson is making effective presentations. Cultural discussions will revolve around the theme of confidence. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson = 1 hour. |
第8回 | The cultural discussion theme for this week revolves around food in particular food size portions. Fast-food culture will be a cultural discussion in this class, too. Comparisons will be made between Japan and the US. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第9回 | Eye contact as a cultural norm will be examined and discussed. In addition, this will also be explained in presentation situations. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第10回 | Useful phrases when giving a presentation will be discussed. University life will also be a conversation theme, too. Students will find out about and discuss general etiquette in American universities. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第11回 | Students will read and discuss a blog post about doing business in different cultural environments. Cultural misunderstandings will also be examined. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第12回 | How eye-contact differs in various cultures will be examined and discussed. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson and vocabulary study = 1 hour. |
第13回 | The importance of posture both in life in general and in presentations will be examined and discussed. Movie culture will be a theme in this class too. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson, vocabulary study and final speech presentation = 1 hour. |
第14回 | Explanation of the final project will be presented and discussed. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson, vocabulary study and final speech presentation = 1 hour. |
第15回 | More discussions concerning what foreign visitors to Japan find interesting about Japanese culture. The students will be then be expected to work on and put the finishing touches to their final writing assignment. Homework and preparation time on reviewing the lesson, vocabulary study and final speech presentation = 1 hour. |
教科書 |
No textbook will be used in this class. Handouts will be provided each week.
参考書 |
No textbook will be used in this class. Students will be given specially prepared handouts to study from. Each student needs to have a file in which to keep these handouts and they also need to have a small notebook. An electronic dictionary, or smartphone with a good dictionary app, is also highly recommended.
成績評価の方法 及び基準 |
Effort and Participation = 100 x 10% Handout Points Average = 100 x 15% Shorter Written Assignments = 100 x 25% Video Assignments = 100 x 25% Final Written Assignment = 100 x 25% Written and video assignments will be graded according to a rubric. Feedback will be given within CST-VOICE via Google Classroom or Google Forms. |
質問への対応 | Students should ask questions at any time they need to by e-mail |
研究室又は 連絡先 |
zerosumgame@mac.com |
オフィスアワー |
月曜 駿河台 00:00 ~ 00:00 Students can consult the teacher by e-mail.
学生への メッセージ |
Do your best to do all the handouts and be sure to complete assignments by the deadlines. |