2023年 理工学部 シラバス - 教養教育・外国語・保健体育・共通基礎
科目名 |
English Communication Ⅰ
Learning English for Travel
設置学科 | 一般教育 | 学年 | 2年 |
担当者 | RobertJason Veenstra | 履修期 | 前期 |
単位 | 1 | 曜日時限 | 水曜3 |
校舎 | 駿河台 | 時間割CD | U33E |
クラス | |||
履修系統図 | 履修系統図の確認 |
学修到達目標 | This English course focuses on oral productive skills. You will learn how to speak to other people with confidence and learn about foreign countries at the same time. The goals of the course are to help you to become more comfortable speaking English for various communicative purposes while you are traveling abroad. It will also help you to expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation, conversational skills, and listening ability. 本授業科目はDP1・2・6及びCP1・2・6に該当しています |
授業形態及び 授業方法 |
この授業は全て英語で実施する This class will be taught in English ONLY. You will have many opportunities to improve speaking strategies and general fluency in English through interactive group and pair work and presentations. Every class you will speak to many different people, so don’t be shy and try your best every class. All classes will be taught FACE-TO FACE (対面授業). |
履修条件 | 1. English Communication Iは社会コミュニケーションサブメジャーコースの指定設置科目で、このサブメジャーを取る学生はEnglish Communication IIと共に履修しなければならない。 2. 教職免許を取る学生はEnglish Communication IIと共に履修しなければならない。 3. その他の学生は、English Communication IとEnglish Communication IIの両方をI・IIの順で履修することが望ましい。前期のみまたは後期のみ履修することは可能ですが、特にEnglish Communication IIのみ履修する場合、担当教員と相談して下さい。 |
第1回 | About the Class In this class you will learn what is required of you, and what the teacher expects from you in order to pass the class. Homework - Review what was studied in the class (60-minutes). |
第2回 | Nice to Meet You You will be required to speak to all members of the class, so that you will not be shy or afraid to speak to anyone for the rest of the semester. Homework - Complete the ALL ABOUT you handout (60-minutes). |
第3回 | Places to Go This class will examine a variety of different countries around the world that use English as means to communicate. Homework - Review what was studied in class. Prepare for the presentation. You must make a poster, 200-400 word report and present your information to your classmates (60-minutes). |
第4回 | Speaking Presentation #1 - My Favorite Country You will be required to give a 5-minute English presentation about an English speaking country that you would like to visit in the future. You must make a poster and present key facts about the country. Homework - Find a type of accommodation on the internet and present it to the class. Explain the pros and cons of this type of accommodation (60-minutes). |
第5回 | Accommodation around the World This class will familiarize you with accommodations from around the world. You will learn the different types of accommodation, and how to book such places. Homework - Finding flights on the Internet - search for an flight from Japan to your favorite country. You will need to explain to other students in the class what airline you chose and the reason (60-minutes). |
第6回 | Accommodation and Flights After giving a small presentation about a hotel in the country of your choice, you will then look at booking a ticket to your favorite country from Japan. You will examine the positives and negatives of different airlines and try to find the best flight. Homework - look over all the material that was studied in the class and prepare to have a speaking quiz the next class (90-minutes). |
第7回 | Mid-term Test and Review A speaking test will be done in class. You will be assessed on how well you speak about topics that were studied in class. Homework - At an airport you will have to go through immigration and customs. What exactly are they? What kind of question will they ask you at these places. Research different questions that you may be asked (60-minutes). |
第8回 | Arriving at a Foreign Country Upon arriving in a foreign country you will faced with the challenge of immigration and customs. Learning how to answer these questions and understanding what is prohibited in each country will make this process much easier. Homework - Review the immigration and customs' questions (60-minutes). |
第9回 | One Day Tour In this class we will look at different ways of going sightseeing around different countries. We will look in detail about different tour packages and which ones best suit your style of traveling. Homework - Package Tours - Find an example of a package tour you could use while traveling abroad. Be prepared to explain the details in English to your classmates (60-minutes). |
第10回 | Planning a One-Day Tour You will work with a partner and plan a one day tour for other students to try. You will plan all activities from morning until night and explain why you chose the activities that you did. Homework - Make a poster and write a 200-500 word speech about a one-day tour of the country of your choice. You will present the tour to other students in the class (60-minutes). |
第11回 | Speaking Presentation #2 - The Tour of Your Country You will give a poster presentation of a one day tour of country of your choice. You must use your poster details to explain the significance of each place visited. Homework - You will get a reading about duty and taxes while traveling abroad. Read the text and answer the questions (60-minutes). |
第12回 | Shopping This class will examine shopping at different places from large malls to markets. You will learn to ask about prices and get details about specific items. Homework - You will get a reading about traditions and customs around the world. You will need to compare and contrast these countries with Japan (60-minutes). |
第13回 | Cultures Around the World You will study about different cultures around the world. You will examine what activities are taboo or socially acceptable at each different country. Homework - You must prepare a poster and speech about the county of your choice. You will present the information to your classmates (60-minutes). |
第14回 | Presentation #3 - All About My Favorite Country You will give a detailed presentation about everything you studied in this class. Using all the material you presented and talked about in previous classes. You will be expected to speak for 5 to 10 minute in English. Homework - Review the key questions and themes for everything that was studied in the class (90-minutes). |
第15回 | Evaluation, Explanation and Course Review A written course review about what was studied in class will be given. Specifically, you will be asked to write about cultural differences among different countries, new vocabulary that was introduced in the class, and finally, about situations you may encounter while travelling/studying abroad. Feeback will be given on mistakes made during the evaluation from the teacher. Prior to this review, guidance will be given. |
教科書 | |
参考書 |
There is NO textbook for this class.
Every week the teacher will provide handouts. You will need to use these handouts every class. Therefore, you should buy an A4 binder or folder to keep all the handouts in a safe place.
成績評価の方法 及び基準 |
1. Willingness to Communicate and Travel Abroad Skills (30%) • This is a SPEAKING class. So you must move around the class and talk to other students in the class. If you do not like to speak English, you should not take this class or you will lose many points and will probably fail this class 2. Presentations and Class Projects (50%) • You will give at least 2 POSTER PRESENTATIONS and hand in other projects assigned during the semester. The poster presentation will be graded according to a rubric given in class. Basically you will be graded on how well you present your topic, the appearance of your poster, and how many words you write for your written speech which will also include what content you include. Feedback will be give after each presentation. 3. Quizzes and Assignments (10%) • You will get some quizzes about the material studied in the class. You will also have to hand in some homework that will be graded. 4. Final Evaluation (10%) • There will be a final WRITTEN evaluation near the end of the semester. It will be a review of everything that was studied during the course. You must recall what was learned in the class and write it down. The questions will be taken directly from the worksheets that were given to the students in the class. |
質問への対応 | Students should ask questions before or after the class. |
研究室又は 連絡先 |
If you have any questions, please contact the teacher at the email below: robert(period)Jason22(atmark)nihon-u-ac.jp |
オフィスアワー |
月曜 駿河台 00:00 ~ 00:00 Please ask questions before or after class
学生への メッセージ |
This is an ENGLISH speaking class. You must speak ENGLISH. Try your best. Speak English as much as you can and you will enjoy this class. |