2023年 理工学部 シラバス - 教養教育・外国語・保健体育・共通基礎
科目名 |
English Communication Ⅱ
English for Study Abroad
設置学科 | 一般教育 | 学年 | 2年 |
担当者 | RobertJason Veenstra | 履修期 | 後期 |
単位 | 1 | 曜日時限 | 金曜1 |
校舎 | 駿河台 | 時間割CD | U51N |
クラス | |||
履修系統図 | 履修系統図の確認 |
学修到達目標 | This English course focuses on oral productive skills. The goals of the course are to help you to become more comfortable speaking English for various communicative purposes, while helping you to expand your vocabulary and improve your presentations, conversational skills, and listening ability. The skills you learn in this class will be essential for when you study abroad. 本授業科目はDP1・2・6及びCP1・2・6に該当しています。 |
授業形態及び 授業方法 |
この授業は全て英語で実施する. This class will be taught in ENGLISH only. All classes will be taught FACE-TO-FACE. 対面授業 You will have many opportunities to improve speaking strategies and general fluency in English through interactive group and pair work and presentations. There will be a lot of pair work. You will also be required to give presentations about various topics in front of other class members. You will speak a lot in English |
履修条件 | 1. English Communication II は社会コミュニケーションサブメジャーコースの指 定設置科目で、このサブメジャーを取る学生は English Communication I と共に 履修しなければならない。 2. 教職免許を取る学生はEnglish Communication Iと共に履修しなければならない。 3. その他の学生は、English Communication I と English Communication II の両方を I・II の順で履修することが望ましい。前期のみまたは後期のみ履修すること は可能ですが、特にEnglish Communication IIのみ履修する場合、担当教員と 相談して下さい。 |
第1回 | About the Class In this class you will learn what is required of you, and what the teacher expects from you in order to pass the class. Homework - Review what was studied in the class as their will be a small quiz about what was discussed (60-minutes). |
第2回 | Questions: The Key to Speaking Success / Let’s Talk - Interactive Speaking You will learn polite questions to ask someone when you meet for the first time. This will enable you to talk for extended periods of time about yourself. Homework - Provide answers for all of the questions from pp.10-13 (60-minutes). |
第3回 | Presentation Preparation 1 – About ME! You will begin to prepare for a 5-minute prevention about yourself. You will begin writing a speech for your presentation, and work on expanding your ideas. Homework - You must write a 200-400 word essay about yourself, and then give a presentation about yourself in the following class. Homework - Review all the questions that have been studied. Write all the answers for the questions, so that you may be able to ask a lot of questions and have your answers ready. (60-minutes) |
第4回 | My Partner – Interview You will interview a member of the class in order to get enough information, so you can practice introducing others to large groups of people. Homework - Review the answers to the questions about your partner. You will give a presentation about your partner to others in the class (60-minutes). |
第5回 | Formal Introductions With your partner you will practice introducing one another. You will also learn specific language to keep the introduction interesting for those who are listening. Homework - Write an essay about your partner. It must be between 200-400 words. This will help you to remember the key points about your partner (60-minutes). |
第6回 | Presentation 2 – All About My Partner! - -5-minute presentation and typed speech You will talk about your partner to other people in the class. After the presentation, you will be required to hand in a written speech. Homework - Review what was studied in the previous classes. Use the textbook and review pp. 6-31 (60-minutes). |
第7回 | How to have a GREAT Conversation – Part 1 In this class you will learn appropriate topics for discussion when you meet people for the first time. Homework - Complete and review the questions in the textbook pp. 32-33 (60-minutes). |
第8回 | How to have a GREAT Conversation – Part 2 You will learn the four components of a conversation, and how to transition from one part of a conversation to the next smoothly and naturally. You will begin to prepare for a presentation that will be done in the next class. Homework - Review the four parts of a conversation and the transitions needed to have a conversation on pp. 34-37 of the textbook (60-minutes). |
第9回 | How to have a GREAT Conversation - Part 3 You will write a conversation with a partner. It must include all the components of a conversation. You will practice your conversation in class as next class you will be performing your presentation in front of other students in the class. Homework - Review all the necessary components of a conversation and practice your sample conversation as you will present your conversation in front of other students (60-minutes). |
第10回 | Presentation 3 – A Great Conversation -5-minute presentation and typed speech You will have a 5-minute conversation with a partner in front of other students who will evaluate you on your conversation skills. Homework - Review the questions on pp. 10-13, and all the parts of a conversation on pp. 32-41 (60-minutes). |
第11回 | Research Projects – Part 1 – Questionnaire Construction You will prepare for a research project that will be similar to a class if you studied abroad. You will chose a topic for search and then create a questionnaire to ask other students in the class to collect data for your final presentation. Homework - Be sure you understand the topic you chose and the questions that you wrote. Memorize your questions so you do not need to look at your paper when you speak (60-minutes). |
第12回 | Research Projects – Part 2 - Survey Using the questions that you created from the previous class, you will talk to others in the class to collect your data for your research. Homework - Talk to other students outside of the classroom. You need to speak to at least 20 students to compile enough data (60-minutes). |
第13回 | Research Projects – Part 3 – Analysis and Presentation Preparation After talking to a lot of student and collecting your data, you be required to analyze your data and convert it into graphs and charts. This will then be created into a speech and a poster for your presentation the following week. Homework - You must create a poster and a 200-700 word essay about your research project. You will then present your poster and research to others in the class (120-minutes). |
第14回 | Presentation 4 – Research Project - Poster Presentation – 5-minute poster Presentation You will present your research to large groups of students. You must complete a poster with visual including graphs and charts and hand in a written speech. Homework - Self-Reflection - Review your presentation and evaluate yourself. Use the pages in the textbook found on p.83. Highlight the positives and negatives of your presentation (60-minutes). |
第15回 | Course Review and Evaluation A final review of all activities studied in the class, and class evaluation of your performance of all the tasks that were completed during the semester. Your final evaluation will be based on your presentations. How long did you speak, how many words was your script, and how well you spoke. You will also be graded on any poster you created for the poster presentations. You final grade will also be assessed according to how well you participated during class discussions. Finally, any homework that was assigned and corrected will be part of your evaluation. |
教科書 |
TITLE: Speak It Up
AUTHORS: Jay Veenstra / Rick Romanko
PUBLISHER: Sanshusha
ISBN - 9784384334623
参考書 |
Please bring the textbook to every class. Also, do NOT buy a used textbook. All the answers must include YOUR information.
成績評価の方法 及び基準 |
1. Let’s Talk (10%) – You must talk to a new person every week 2. Willingness to Communication and Study Abroad Skills (40%) – Talk to EVERYONE with a smile in English! 3. Presentations and Assignments (30%) – About YOU, Your Partner, and A Great Conversation The poster presentations will be graded according to a rubric given in class. Basically you will be graded on how well you present your topic, the appearance of your poster, and how many words you write for your written speech which will also include what content you include. Feedback will be give after each presentation. 4. Final Speaking Presentation (20%) – Giving a presentation about your research You will be required to create a survey, collect data, analyze the data, and then present your data with a with a poster presentation. You will be graded according to a rubric that will be provided during the class. Basically presentations will be graded according to the length and quality of our speaking, your written speech, and the appearance of your poster. Feedback will be given during the class. |
質問への対応 | Students should ask questions before or after the class. |
研究室又は 連絡先 |
If you have any questions, please contact the teacher at the email below: robert(period)Jason22(atmark)nihon-u-ac.jp |
オフィスアワー | |
学生への メッセージ |
This is an ENGLISH class. Classes will be taught in ENGLISH. You must speak ENGLISH in this class. Try your best. Speak English as much as you can and you will enjoy this class. |