2021年 理工学部 シラバス - 教養教育・外国語・保健体育・共通基礎
科目名 |
English Communication Ⅰ
Travel and Culture
設置学科 | 一般教育 | 学年 | 2年 |
担当者 | R・C・Lavey | 履修期 | 前期 |
単位 | 1 | 曜日時限 | 土曜5 |
校舎 | 船橋 | 時間割CD | S65D |
クラス |
学修到達目標 | The main goal of the English Communication I (EC I) Travel and Culture course is to improve your English. Other goals of this course are for students to a) improve English listening, reading, writing, speaking skills, and improve their oral fluency and pronunciation. b) be able to communicate in English in different situations, specifically survival English for airports, hotels, restaurants, shopping, etc. c) learn to listen to and give opinions (spoken and written), d) improve knowledge of and use of vocabulary, and e) learn about English-speaking cultures. |
授業形態及び 授業方法 |
THIS CLASS IS ON DEMAND (OD) and will be uploaded to Moodle every Friday morning by 9am. Please make sure you are registered in both the Portal and Moodle. Various listening, speaking, reading, writing, and vocabulary building activities will be done individually and in small groups in the online Moodle forum. Motivation and practice are key. Please get the textbook on day one. This syllabus and its contents may change due to the weekly pace of the class or other factors. You will be notified of any changes on Moodle. If you have any questions please contact the instructor by email in English. English Communication I will be taught in English. 「この授業は全て英語で実施する。」 |
履修条件 | The EC courses are part of “The Social Communication Sub Major Program.” The goal of this program is set as follows: Students will learn basic communication skills necessary to deepen the understanding between people in an ever-diversifying information society. English Communication Iは社会コミュニケーションサブメジャーコースの指定設置科目で、このサブメジャーを取る学生はEnglish Communication IIと共に履修しなければならない。2. 教職免許を取る学生はEnglish Communication IIと共に履修しなければならない。3. その他の学生は、English Communication IとEnglish Communication IIの両方をI・IIの順で履修することが望ましい。前期のみまたは後期のみ履修することは可能ですが、特にEnglish Communication IIのみ履修する場合、担当教員と相談して下さい。 |
第1回 | Don’t wait! Buy the textbook today! (English for International Tourism, Pre-Intermediate ISBN 978144-7923879) You must have the textbook for this course. Syllabus and course explanation. Write a self-introduction using name, department, interests, and personality. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第2回 | Unit 1 WORLD TOURISM p.8-15. In this lesson students will: • read some facts about the tourism industry • review and practice saying numbers and statistics • focus words and phrases relating to the tourism sectors. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第3回 | Unit 2 JOBS IN TOURISM p.16-23. In this lesson students will: • read about working conditions in the tourism industry • listen to tourism professionals talking about their jobs • discuss the qualities and skills they need for their career in tourism. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第4回 | Unit 3 VISITOR CENTRES p.24-31. In this lesson students will: • read about working conditions in the tourism industry • listen to tourism professionals talking about their jobs • discuss the qualities and skills they need for their career in tourism. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第5回 | Unit 4 PACKAGE TOURS p.32-39 In this lesson students will: • study vocabulary relating to cultural heritage • read some historical facts about London • revise and practice using the past simple. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第6回 | Unit 5 HOTELS p.40-47. In this lesson students will: • listen to check-in procedures at a Moscow hotel • study the use of modal verbs for making requests and offers • roleplay checking in guests. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第7回 | Review Test 1 UNITS 1–5 p.48-51. Culture Lesson 1. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第8回 | Unit 6 FOOD & BEVERAGE p. 52-59 In this lesson students will: • study vocabulary relating to food and drink • read an article describing a day at work in a restaurant • listen to the phrases used when people order food. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第9回 | Unit 7 NATURE TOURISM p. 60-67 In this lesson students will: • listen to a tour director in Costa Rica talking to a group about their itinerary • study future forms • work in pairs to plan a short itinerary in their country. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第10回 | Unit 8 AIR TRAVEL p. 68-75 In this lesson students will: • listen to facts and figures about Heathrow Airport • focus on airport facilities • practice asking for and giving directions. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第11回 | Unit 9 HOTEL OPERATIONS p. 76-83 In this lesson students will: • read part of an interview with an executive housekeeper for a luxury hotel in Malaysia • study vocabulary relating to housekeeping supplies • listen to a conversation about hotel housekeeping. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第12回 | Unit 10 MARKETING p. 84-91 In this lesson students will: • read an article about destination marketing • study vocabulary relating to marketing and promotions • listen to tourism marketing professionals in Korea talking about their jobs. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第13回 | Review Test 2 UNITS 6- 10 p. 92-95. Culture Lesson 2. Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第14回 | Course review (復習) reflection (反省) 1 Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, study ahead (予習) and read the textbook and do any assignments for the next lesson (60 minutes) |
第15回 | Course review (復習) reflection (反省) 2 Tasks may include reading, writing and listening, reading comprehension, grammar and/or vocabulary quizzes and online discussion forum participation. Homework: Review (復習) this lesson, finish any assignments due. (60 minutes) |
教科書 |
The textbook is English for International Tourism, Pre-Intermediate
ISBN 9781447923879 Written by Iwonna Dubicka & Margaret O’Keefe
Additional materials are provided by the instructor.
参考書 |
Dictionary or smartphone with a good dictionary application (Google translate is recommended). Notebook for new vocabulary and lecture notes.
成績評価の方法 及び基準 |
Weekly Quizzes and Online Forum Participation 40% Review tests (2), Units 1-5 & Units 6-10 30% Other Assignments 30% Students will be given direct and/or indirect feedback after every assignment. |
質問への対応 | Please ask questions via email in English. |
研究室又は 連絡先 |
Contact should be made by email in English. The teacher's email address is posted in Moodle at the top of the course page. |
オフィスアワー | |
学生への メッセージ |
Learning a new language requires self-motivation and effort! Especially in an On Demand environment! When you are finally able to communicate in another language it is a great feeling. Please find something you are interested in and enjoy English. Listen to music and study the lyrics. Go to karaoke and sing English songs with your friends (safely of course!). Read books and magazines. Use the Internet. There are many things you can do. This syllabus and its contents may change due to the weekly pace of the class or other factors. You will be notified of any changes on Moodle. |