2021年 理工学部 シラバス - 教養教育・外国語・保健体育・共通基礎
科目名 |
English Communication Ⅱ
Study Abroad
設置学科 | 一般教育 | 学年 | 2年 |
担当者 | Gary Wolff | 履修期 | 後期 |
単位 | 1 | 曜日時限 | 土曜1 |
校舎 | 駿河台 | 時間割CD | T61P |
クラス |
学修到達目標 | Our goal in this course is to assist students in acquiring the necessary skills for taking academic classes in English while studying abroad, including listening to lectures, taking notes, expressing opinions in group discussions, assimilating into overseas campus culture, and giving presentations. |
授業形態及び 授業方法 |
オンデマンド (On-demand) - Although our primary focus in this course will be to help students learn & practice English communication skills required for the various aspects of academic study abroad, depending on student needs, this course may also include sessions on how to best write emails, prepare for the TOEFL, and enhance skills for study abroad interviews. この授業は全て英語で実施する. |
履修条件 | 1. English Communication IIは社会コミュニケーションサブメジャーコースの指定設置科目で、このサブメジャーを取る学生はEnglish Communication Iと共に履修しなければならない。 2. 教職免許を取る学生はEnglish Communication Iと共に履修しなければならない。 |
第1回 | Course requirements; classroom procedures; making introductions Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 1 Time required: ~1 hour |
第2回 | Talking to strangers; Asking & giving on-campus directions; University orientation Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 2 Time required: ~1 hour |
第3回 | Asking personal questions; Making & keeping appointments; Academic tutors Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 3 Time required: ~1 hour |
第4回 | Making suggestions & offering invitations; Finding a place to live; On-campus safety Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 4 Time required: ~1 hour |
第5回 | Introducing someone; Giving a house tour; Moving to a new residence Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 5 Time required: ~1 hour |
第6回 | Talking about post-graduation employment; Joining on-campus extracurricular activities Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 6 Time required: ~1 hour |
第7回 | Giving compliments & instructions; Job hunting Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Study Units 1-6 textbook materials for Vocabulary Assessment 1 Time required: ~1 hour |
第8回 | Mid-term review and Vocabulary Assessment 1 Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 7 Time required: ~1 hour |
第9回 | Confirming & apologizing; Conflict prevention Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 8 Time required: ~1 hour |
第10回 | Responding to apologies; Making proposals; Conflict resolution Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 9 Time required: ~1 hour |
第11回 | Showing affection & asking for favors; Interacting with host families Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 10 Time required: ~1 hour |
第12回 | Inviting; Declining an offer; Family life Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 11 Time required: ~1 hour |
第13回 | Compromising; Expressing opinions; Class participation Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Work assigned textbook exercises from Unit 12 Time required: ~1 hour |
第14回 | Giving advice; Making requests; Teacher evaluations Preparation: Review learning materials from last class Homework: Study Units 7-12 textbook materials for Vocabulary Assessment 2 Time required: ~1 hour |
第15回 | Final evaluation and explanation Method of evaluation: Vocabulary Assessment 2 Preparation: Memorize key vocabulary from textbook Time required: ~1 hour Feedback: none required since this is the last class |
教科書 |
Hiroto Ohyagi/Masako Taura, Campus Encounters: Understanding American University Life, Macmillan LanguageHouse, 2015, 10 edition
参考書 |
Other learning materials if necessary may be suggested or distributed by the teacher.
成績評価の方法 及び基準 |
Textbook homework and other exercises ― 75% Quizzes & other evaluations ― 25% |
質問への対応 | Questions can be submitted in ENGLISH thru the CST Portal II. |
研究室又は 連絡先 |
Students can also contact the teacher in ENGLISH by email. He will try to reply within 24-48 hours. There will be no reply to messages written in Nihongo. |
オフィスアワー |
月曜 駿河台 00:00 ~ 00:00 Anytime by email
学生への メッセージ |
1) Please submit your homework to the CST Portal II with the Microsoft Word textbook homework submission form furnished by your teacher. Please organize your answers neatly and remember to include your FULL name (in Romaji) in the Microsoft Word file name. No jpegs, PDFs, or any other formats will be accepted! You are expected to turn in ALL homework assignments by the day they are due, and late homework assignments will receive an automatic 20% deduction. Assignments received more than 2 weeks late will receive a ZERO on the assignment. 2) Students will have only 48 hours to complete the online vocabulary quizzes! 3) Students who have not received their textbooks by the end of the 3rd week of classes should consider dropping the course, as it may be difficult to catch up and secure a passing grade in the course! |